A material has property to oppose any change of magnitude or direction of current passing through the conductor, this property known as inductance. Its unit is Henry(H).
In other word we can say that, whenever current passes through a conductor, inductance will oppose any change of magnitude and direction.
Inductance will be one Henry, when current through a coil of conductor changes at the rate of one ampere/second generating one volt across the coil.

Take one meter of conductor, twist it, it will become a simplest Inductor / coil. 

As per the ampere’s law when current will flow through a conductor, an electromagnetic field will be formed around the conductor. However, if flow or direction of current will change, the EMF changes. 
Due to this phenomenon voltage (V) will generate across the coil,

v=L di/dt

i is the current passing through an Inductor in Amp.
v is the voltage across the an Inductor or coil.

Voltage across coil/Inductor will be zero if current through an Inductor remains constant, there will not be inductance during steady state condition. It will make coil/Inductor to behave as short circuit while switching across the d.c. voltage and act as open circuit during steady state condition.
If current magnitude or direction will change then inductance will appear in the coil or Inductor.

Equation for power absorbed by Inductor

P=Vi=Ldi/dt . i
   = Lidi/di watts

Energy storage equation:

E=1/2 Li Joules

To know more about other Elements of electrical circuit please visit to below links.

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