Write for us

‘The expert in anything was once a beginner’


Write for Us: Invitation for Guest Post


“Power is gained by sharing knowledgenot hoarding it” –Maria Khan.


theclassroomedu.blogstpot.com is an educational and informative portal with the vision to share knowledge on the entire spectrum of engineering. The key areas includes electrical, firefighting, HVAC, plumbing, documents and technical software such as Revit, AutoCAD, DiaLux and many more…  

If you wish to share your thoughts, views and knowledge on any of the above topics through our platform to other professionals and students then we would like you to invite you for the guest post.

Key Requirements of the article

  •   It should be minimum 350-400 words.
  • It should be original contribution of the author.
  •  For the credibility of website and author, please do not publish the article in the same or substantially the same form elsewhere.

If you are interested then please mail us your articles on classroom.edu2018@gmail.com along with details like name, email id and/or contact number which we can publish to give you the due credit for the post.

Be a teacher for someone:

‘A good teacher is like a candle – it consumes itself to light the way for others.’ – Mustafa kamal


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