Definition of capacitance is, its a property of element to store/absorb electrical energy within it.Capacitor is an energy storing element. A capacitor stores electric energy in the form of potential energy in between two polarities of charges (i.e. positive and negative charges) on the two electrodes of a capacitor. Measuring unit of capacitance is farad.

Difference between capacitor and resistor is, capacitor can store the energy where as resistor can not store the energy.

Element in the circuit which has capacitance, namely known as capacitor.

Q stands for amount of charge can be stored in a capacitor in the form of capacitance.
V stand for voltage against which the capacitance.

           C =  Q/V

   or      C = q/v

            Q = CV  

    CV is equal to i*t      [ Steady state equation Q = i * q


i stand for charging current of capacitor.
t stand for time required to charge the capacitor.

Equation for capacitor to absorb/store power/energy is given by:

  • Power absorption equation:
           P = VI
              = CV dV/dt            [ i = v dv/dt under dynamic condition ]                         

  • Energy storage equation:

           E = 1/2 CV2 Joules

Note: Capacitor has property to block dc power and allow ac to pass.

Why capacitor blocks dc we will discuss in next session.

To know more about other Elements of electrical circuit please visit to below links.


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